Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest
On a yearly basis, it is necessary for each of our club members (players and their parents) to review current information on concussion guidelines (in compliance with California State Law AB-2007) and sudden cardiac arrest (in compliance with California State Law AB-379). This review is normally performed during annual player registration, but
For detailed information on each law, including resources, navigate to the Player Health and Safety section of NorCal Premier’s website, our governing body, where both Spanish and English versions of all information can be found.
Additional information and resources on concussion and sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) are provided below. Please review this information.
Sequoia FC is both required and strongly committed to creating and maintaining a sports environment in which all youth and adult participants may participate in youth sports activities, programs, and competitions free from all forms of emotional, psychological, physical, and sexual misconduct. Sequoia FC, as a NorCal Premier member and sanctioned by U.S. Soccer, complies with applicable law (California Assembly Bill 506), which includes the following:
- Requires administrators, employees, and regular volunteers to complete child abuse and neglect reporting training (aka Mandated Reporting Training).
- Requires administrators, employees, and full-time volunteers to undergo a background check pursuant to Section 11105.3 of the Penal Code to identify and exclude any persons with a history of child abuse.
- Requires the development and implementation of child abuse prevention policies and procedures.
- Authorizes insurers to request information demonstrating compliance before writing liability insurance for youth service organizations.
As part of the above, all Sequoia FC coaches, managers, board members, and/or others that will interact with minor athletes as representatives of Sequoia FC receive background checks and Safe Sport training, which is administered through the GotSport platform and is both overseen and certified by Sequoia FC and NorCal Premier. SafeSport training helps ensure Sequoia FC provides an environment free from emotional, physical or sexual abuse. SafeSport is a comprehensive program of policies and process, screening, education and training, reporting, monitoring and enforcement designed to help detect and report abuse, respond to it, and prevent future occurrences.
To learn more, please visit the following sites:
To report a concern: